Amanda fik foretaget MtK kønsskifteoperation i 2001 og åben omkring det.
I 2004 søgte hun at blive indvalgt i Repræsentanternes hus i Arizona for Demokraterne.
Ved valget den 2. november 2004 fik 20,5 % af stemmerne, men blev ikke valgt, da to republikanske modkandidater fik henholdsvis 32,4 % og 28,5 % af stemmerne.
Hun er medlem af en lang række organisationer, herunder flere transorganisationer, i hvilke hun er meget aktiv.
I begyndelsen af december 2004 var hun den ene af 12 kvinder, som modtog en hædersbevisning YWCA.
YVCA (Young Women’s Christian Association) oplyser selv, at det er verdens ældste og største multikulturelle kvindeorganisation. Den blev stiftet i 1855 og har mere end 25 millioner medlemmer i 122 lande heraf 2,6 millioner medlemmer i 300 lokalforeninger i USA.
Der var i alt indstillet 89 kvinder til at modtage prisen, der uddeles for engagement i kamp mod recisme og kvinders rettigheder.
I 2006 deltog hun sammen med bøsser og lesbiske i fjernsynskampagnen – “Neighbors You Know (Jeg er din nabo)” – “Jeg er din nabo”. – for at udbrede kendskabet til bøsser, lesbiske og transpersoner.
Den 31. december 2009 oplyste National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), at Amanda Simpson, der har siddet i NCTE’s bestyrelse de seneste tre Ã¥r, af Barack Obama administration er udpeget som senior teknisk rÃ¥dgiver (Senior Technical Advisor) for det amerikanske handelsministerium, hvor hun skal arbejde i afdelingen for industri- og sikkerhedspolitik (Bureau of Industry and Security).
Meddelelsens fulde ordlyd
Amanda Simpson, who has served on NCTE’s Board of Directors for the past 3 years, has been appointed by the Obama Administration as a Senior Technical Advisor to the Department of Commerce. She’ll be working in the Bureau of Industry and Security.
“I’m truly honored to have received this appointment and am eager and excited about this opportunity that is before me. And at the same time, as one of the first transgender presidential appointees to the federal government, I hope that I will soon be one of hundreds, and that this appointment opens future opportunities for many others.”
Simpson brings considerable professional credentials to her new job. For thirty years, she has worked in the aerospace and defense industry, most recently serving as Deputy Director in Advanced Technology Development at Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona. She holds degrees in physics, engineering and business administration along with an extensive flight background. She is a certified flight instructor and test pilot with 20 years of experience.
She has also been very active in political and community groups. She has served on the Board of Directors of two national organizations: Out & Equal and NCTE. In Arizona, she has been on the board of Wingspan, the Southern Arizona Gender Alliance, the Southern Arizona ACLU and the Arizona Human Rights Fund (now Equality Arizona).
In 2004, the YWCA recognized her as one of their “Women on the Move,” and in the same year, she won the Democratic nomination to the Arizona House of Representatives. In 2005, she was given the Arizona Human Rights Foundation Individual Award.
We are delighted to welcome Amanda to Washington, DC and share her hope that she will be joined by many other transgender people and our allies in serving our government.