Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender in Jewish Community

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Balancing on the Mechitza
Balancing on the Mechitza

Titel Balancing on the Mechitza:
Transgender in Jewish Community
Redigeret af Noach Dzmura
Bidragsydere Rebecca Alpert
Rachel Biale
Kate Bornstein
Aaron Devor
Chav Doherty
Noach Dzmura
Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert
Ari Lev Fornari
Lyn Greenhough
Eliron Hamburger
Elliot Kukla
Joy Ladin
Tucker Lieberman
Jane Rachel Litman
Catherine Madsen
Beth Orens
Judith Plaskow
Rachel Pollack
Martin Raqwlings-Fein
Jhos Singer
Max K. Strassfeld
Ri J. Turner
Julia Watts-Belser
Tobaron Waxman
Margaret Moers Wenig
Reuben Zellman
Forlag North Atlantic Books
Udgivet 1. juni 2010
Sprog Engelsk
Antal sider 288
ISBN-10 1556438133
ISBN-13 978-1556438134

Den første bog om transkønnedes liv og deres erfaringer med at opfylde de jødiske ritualer. Hidtil har der alene været artikler derom på internettet.
I bogen fokuserer forfatterene på forskellige aspekter af transkønnedes forhold til den jødiske tro, hvad der kan gøres for at være mere imødekomne over for transkønnede og om kønsskifte i relation til den jødiske tro.

Bogen er inddelt i tre temaer: 1) Retsforhold og næstekærlighed. 2) Hjælpsomhed og Torah. 3) Undervisning, vejledning og lovforhold.

Bogen henvender sig både til transkønnede, jurister, behandlere og andre med interesse for disse forhold.

Noach Dzmura, der har redigeret bogen, er 47 år og kvinde til mand transkønnet. Han er konverteret til den jødiske tro og har en mastergrad i jødiske studier fra Berkeleys University.

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Bogens indhold
Titel Forfatter
Forord Rebecca Alpert
Introduktion Noach Dzmura
Chapter one – Acts of ovingkindness
Titel Forfatter
Abandonment to the Body’s Desire Rachel Pollack
Hoowahyoo Kate Bornstein
The Trayf Jew Chav Doherty
Transparent on High Jhos Singer
Lech Lecha Eliron Hamburger
Crossing the Mechitza Beth Orens
Queering the Jew and Jewing the Queer Ri J. Turner
Spiritual Lessons I have Learned fron Transsexuals Margaret Moers Wening
The God Thing Joy Ladin
Chapter two – Service
Titel Forfatter
Ritual for Gender Transition (Male to Female) Catherine Madsen and Joy Ladin
Narrow Bridge Aaron Devor
Ya’amdu Ari Lev Fornari
Hearing beneath the Surface: Crossing Gender Boundaries at the Ari Mikveh Tucker Lieberman
Hatafat Dam Brit (Extracting a Drop of Blood) Martin Rawlings-Fein
Becoming a Good Boy:
A Transmasculine Meditation on Gendered Ritual Objects
and the Challenges of Transfeminism
Max K. Strassfeld
Opshernish and selv-portrait as pshat Tobaron Waxman
Remapping the Road from Sinai Judith Plaskow and Elliot Kukla
Baruch Dayan Emet: Translating Death into Life Lynn Greenhough
Chapter three – Teaching, Instruction, Law
Titel Forfatter
Intersexed Bodies in Mishnah:
A Translation and a Activist’s Reading of Mishnah Androgynos
Noach Dzmura
Regulating the Human Body:
Rabbinic Legal Discourse and the Making of Jewish Gender
Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert
An Ancient Strategy for Managing Gender Ambiguity Noach Dzmura
Created by the Hand of Heaven: Making Space for Intersex People Reuben Zellman and Elliot Kukla
Dismantling the Gender Binary within Judaism:
The Challenge of Transgender to Compulsory Heterosexuality
Judith Plaskow
Beyond the Binary Bubble: Adressing Transgender Issues in the Jewish Community Rachel Biale
Judaism and Gender Issues Beth Orens
Born to Be Wild: A Critique of Determisnism Jane Rachel Litman
Transing God/dress: Notes from the Borderlands Julia Watts-Belser