Destination>>EQUALITY. Trans-Europe. Volume 8, issue 1, summer 2008. Magazine of ILGA-Europe.

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Titel Destination>>EQUALITY
Volume 8, issue 1, summer 2008
Magazine of ILGA-Europe
Redigeret af Juris Lavrikovs
Bidragsydere Silvan Agius, Ruth Baldacchino,
Niall Crowley, Sarah Graham,
Thomas Hammarberg, Loveday Hodson,
Luísa Reis, Stephen Whittle og Jane Thomas
Udgivet af ILGA-Europe
Udgivet 29. juli 2008
Sprog Engelsk
Antal sider 36
ISSN 2070-4984

Siden 2001 har ILGA-Europe udsendt et nyhedsbrev om udviklingen i forhold af betydning for LGBT personer i Europa. Det blev i 2008 ændret til et magasin med navnet Destination>>EQUALITY.
Magasinet fokuserer på bestemte temaer i hvert nummer.

Dette nummer beskæftiger sig med transforhold.

Da magasinet er på engelsk, er den herunder viste indholdsfortegnelsen ikke oversat til dansk.

ILGA-Europe‘s annual conference:
“Think globally, act locally”
3   Transphobic hate crime:
Brutal killing of Gisberta
Gender identity in EU legislation:
Achievements and challenges ahead
4   Real lives, real stories:  
Secret of my sex 18
“Sterile yet? Don’t be alarmed, it’s standard procedure!” 21
The Irish Equality Authority:
Mainstreaming equality and gender identity
6   Transforming politics:
The transgender equality struggle taken to parliament
Transgender EuroStudy:
A call for change
8   Thomas Hammarberg:
Determined to fight for trans rights
TransGender Europe – TGEU:
Improving trans people’s living conditions
10   Creative families:
Reproducing the non-nuclear family
European Courts on trans rights:
Mapping the transition towards full legal equality
12   Sociology of gender:
Disassembling the social construct