Destination>>EQUALITY. EU debates new anti-discrimination Directive. Volume 8, issue 2, autum 2008. Magazine of ILGA-Europe.


Titel Destination>>EQUALITY
EU debates new anti-discrimination Directive
Volume 8, issue 2, autumn 2008
Magazine of ILGA-Europe
Redigeret af Juris Lavrikovs
Bidragsydere Silvan Agius, Maxim Anmeghichean,
Ben Baks, Mark Bell, Kristine Dupate,
European Disability Forum,
European Network Against Racism,
European Older People’s Platform,
European Women’s Lobby,
European Youth Forum,
Anne Gaspard, Lissy Gröner, Sara Martinho,
Gay Moon, Niraj Nathwani, Bruce Roch,
Evelyne Paradis, Catelene Passchier,
Fabio Saccà og Suzana Tratnik
Udgivet af ILGA-Europe
Udgivet 29. oktober 2008
Sprog Engelsk
Antal sider 52
ISSN 2070-2353

Siden 2001 har ILGA-Europe udsendt et nyhedsbrev om udviklingen i forhold af betydning for LGBT personer i Europa. Det blev i 2008 ændret til et magasin med navnet Destination>>EQUALITY.
Magasinet fokuserer på bestemte temaer i hvert nummer.

Dette nummer beskæftiger sig med EU‘s direktivforslag om forbud mod diskrimination.
Pr. 5. januar 2014 var direktivforslaget fortsat under behandling.

Da magasinet er på engelsk, er den herunder viste indholdsfortegnelsen ikke oversat til dansk.

12th ILGA-Europe Annual Conference:
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally. Plotting the Vision Together
3   Businesses and discrimination:
Further improvement required on the labour market
Political analysis:A very ‘political’ directive 4   Trade union:
Active for LGBT rights
Combating discrimination outside employment:
The new EU proposed directive
8   Real lives, real stories:
“Leave, our place is not for people of your kind!”
“Sorry, you are not really a family”
School bullying which led to suicide
Countering opposition:
“Germany’s arguments against the Directive are flimsy”
National equality body:
Why Latvia needs one more anti-discrimination directive
12   Together we can achieve it!
European Network Against Racism
European Women’s Lobby
European Disability Forum
European Older People’s Platform
European Youth Forum
Fundamental Rights Agency
Calling for better EU protection from homophobia
National government and proposed directive
Negotiations about the horizontal directive have started
16 Multiple discrimination:
The need for justice for the whole person
European Commission:
Interview with Commissioner Spidla
18   Gender identity and expression
A case for full transgender equality
New EU anti-discrimination initiative
What it means for national equality bodies and EQUINET