amend the Act on the [Danish] Civil Registration System
(Granting a new social security number to people
who experience themselves as belonging to the opposite gender)
1. In article 3, a new paragraph is added after paragraph 5:
“Paragraph 6. After a written application, The Economy and Domestic Ministry will allocate a new social serurity number to persons who experience themselves as belonging to the opposite gender. Allocation of a new social security number is conditioned by submission of a written declaration stating that the application is based on a sense of belonging to the opposite gender. After a reflection period of 6 months from the application date, the applicant has to confirm the application in writing.
It is furthermore a condition that the applicant is 18 years old at the time of the submission of the application."
The current paragraph 6 and 7 are renumbered to paragraph 7 and 8.
2. In article 26, paragraph 4 “Article 3, pragraph 6” is amended to “Article 3, paragraph 8”.
Paragraph 1. The Act enters into force on 1 September 2014.
Paragraph 2. For people who, before this act entered into force, applied for permission to carry a name that denotes the opposite gender, permission to change gender designation in the passsport to X or permission to be castrated in preparation for gender change, the period mentioned in Act of the Civil Registration System, article 3, paragraph 6, point 2 as introduced in thes acts article 1, nr. 1, counts frem the time of the submission of the application. If somone applied for several of the mentioned permissions, the mentioned period counts frem the date of the first submitted application.
This act does not apply for the Faroe Islands or Greenland, but it can by royal decree come into force in Greenland, with amendments which the conditions of Greenland require.
The parliament, on 11 June 2014
Mogens Lykketoft
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The Act (L 182) in Danish at the Danish Parliament.
The proces of the Act (L 182) from the beginning to the adoption in Danish in "Vidensbanken om kønsidentitet” (this website).
Mention of the Act on the [Danish] Civil Registration System in Danish in "Vidensbanken om kønsidentitet” (this website).
The Act on the [Danish] Civil Registration System in Danish in the Danish Law Register (Retsinformation).