Sundhedsstyrelsen er ved at udarbejde en helt ny vejledning om sundhedsfaglig hjælp ved kønsidentitetsforhold og kønsmodificerende behandling. Sigtet med vejledningen er at sikre åbne og differentierede behandlingstilbud, der samtidig undgår at stigmatisere og sikrer høj kvalitet.
Som input til vores arbejde på området afholder vi denne konference, hvor vi både inviterer internationale og danske aktivister og fagfolk til at få belyst de forskellige perspektiver. Hvad ønsker transpersoner? Hvad kan sundhedspersonalet fagligt set tilbyde? Hvad tænker Sundhedsstyrelsen?
Alle er velkomne til at deltage i konferencen, både borgere, interesseorganisationer, fagpersoner, politikere og journalister med flere.
”Vi er glade for, at vi med kort varsel har kunnet få udenlandske foredragsholdere til København”, siger direktør for Sundhedsstyrelsen, Søren Brostrøm. ”Peggy Cohen-Kettenis er en pioner og stor faglig kapacitet på området. Hun har stået i spidsen for udviklingen i Holland gennem mange år, så jeg håber, at vi kan nyde godt af hendes erfaring”, fortsætter Søren Brostrøm.
På konferencen er der også oplæg fra Richard Köhler, der er talsmand for Transgender Europe (TGEU), en europæisk menneskerettighedsorganisation med 130 medlemsorganisationer i 42 lande, ligesom der vil være indlæg fra en klinikchef fra Stockholm og fra danske aktivister og fagfolk.
Arrangementet finder sted tirsdag den 28. marts 2017 kl. 1200-1640 på Scandic Copenhagen, Vester Søgade 6, 1601 København V.
Hvis du ønsker at deltage, kan tilmelding ske her: Tilmelding til SST konference d. 28. marts 2017 – om kønsidentitet i det danske sundhedsvæsen
Deltagelse er gratis.
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Danish Health Authority
– a national conference arranged by the Danish Health Authority
28 March 2017, 12.00-16.40
Venue: Scandic Copenhagen, Vester Søgade 6, Copenhagen V
Moderator: Bente Dalsbæk
Kl. 1200 – 1230 | Registration & Sandwich |
Kl. 1230 – 1235 | Welcome Søren Brostrøm Director General Danish Health Authority |
Kl. 1235 – 1305 | The Dutch experience Prof. Peggy T. Cohen-Kettenis, Amsterdam |
Kl. 1305 – 1325 | The Swedish experience. Prof. Stefan Arver, Stockholm |
Kl. 1325 – 1345 | A human rights perspective on trans-specific healthcare Richard Köhler, Berlin |
Kl. 1345 – 1415 | Q & A |
Kl. 1415 – 1445 | Coffee |
Kl. 1445 – 1515 | The Danish experience – the professionals Dr. Birte Smidt, Copenhagen Dr. Astrid Højgaard, Aalborg |
Kl. 1515 – 1545 | The Danish experience – the activists Linda Thor Pedersen, LGBT Danmark Helle Jacobsen, Amnesty Julia Ro Robotham, Transpolitisk Forum |
Kl. 1545 – 1630 | Q & A |
Kl. 1630 – 1640 | Wrap-up and take home messages Søren Brostrøm, Director General Danish Health Authority |
Peggy Cohen-Kettenis is a psychologist and PhD from Utrecht University, where she was a professor of psychology from 1987 to 2002. From 2002 to 2013 she was a full professor at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam. She has extensive clinical and scientific experiences in the areas of gender identity, gender studies, human sexology, psychosexual development etc. Prof Cohen-Kettenis is a pioneer in setting up and developing care for gender dysphoria in the Netherlands. She is also a member of the World Health Organizations Working Group on the Classification of Sexual Disorders and Sexual Health (WGDSH), the European Network for the Investigation of Gender Incongruence (ENIGI), and she was a coauthor on the latest edition of the Standards of Care of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). She is currently Professor Emerita and still active in the field. In 2013 she was knighted for her contributions (Order of the Netherlands Lion).
Stefan Arver is a medical doctor and endocrinologist, specializing in andrology and sexual medicine. He is an Associate Professor at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. He is the Director of the Center for Andrology and Sexual Medicine at Karolinska University Hospital, a multidisciplinary group encompassing endocrinology, psychiatry, behavioral science, laboratory medicine, preclinical cell and molecular biology as well as nursing.
Richard Köhler leads the advocacy and policy work of Transgender Europe (TGEU), a European human rights NGO with 130 member organizations in 42 countries in Europe and beyond. Richard co-authored the Best Practice Catalogue “Human Rights and Gender Identity” and “Legal Gender Recognition in Europe”, and he contributed to the first fully trans-inclusive Recommendations by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, and he worked closely with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on its historic resolution “Transgender Discrimination in Europe” (April 2015). Richard holds a degree in International Business Administration with specialization in Eastern European Transformation Countries.
Bente Dalsbæk is a Danish lawyer, author and journalist. She has previously worked as a civil servant in the Danish government and Parliament, and is currently host of a debate program on national radio.
Linda Thor Pedersen is the spokesperson on transgender issues for LGBT Danmark – The Danish national organization for gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender persons. She is a 51-year-old woman assigned male at birth and a volunteer at LGBT Denmark fighting for transgender rights.
Julia Ro Robotham is an activist in the Danish NGO ’Transpolitisk Forum’.
Helle Jacobsen is the program lead for gender, LGBT and women’s rights at Amnesty International Denmark. She has worked with transgender access to health and work as well as LGBTI rights the last 8 years.
Birte Smidt is a consultant psychiatrist and she heads the sexological clinic of the Mental Health Services in the Capital Region of Denmark.
Astrid Højgaard is a consultant gynecologist-obstetrician and associate professor, and she heads the sexological center at Aalborg University Hospital.
Søren Brostrøm has since 2015 been the Director General of the Danish Health Authority.
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Omtale af konferencen hos Sundhedsstyrelsen.
Program for konferencen hos Sundhedsstyrelsen.
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Tre videoer fra konferencen.