Herunder gengives indholdsfortegnelsen til den engelsksprogede originaludgave.
World Professional Association for Transgender Health
Standards of Care
for the Health of Transgender
and Gender Diverse People
Version 8
Table of contents
Chapter 1. Terminology
Chapter 2. Global Applicability
Chapter 3. Population Estimates
Chapter 4. Education
Chapter 5. Assessment of Adults
Chapter 6. Adolescents
Chapter 7. Children
Chapter 8. Nonbinary
Chapter 9. Eunuchs
Chapter 10. Intersex
Chapter 11. Institutional Environments
Chapter 12. Hormone Therapy
Chapter 13. Surgery and Postoperative Care
Chapter 14. Voice and Communication
Chapter 15. Primary Care
Chapter 16. Reproductive Health
Chapter 17. Sexual Health
Chapter 18. Mental Health
Appendix A: Methodology
Appendix B: Glossary
Appendix C: Gender-Affirming Hormonal Treatments
Appendix D: Summary Criteria for Hormonal and Surgical Treatments for Adults and Adolescents
Appendix E: Gender-Affirming Surgical Procedures
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Standards of Care – Version 8 i sin helhed i pdf-format.
Omtale af version 8 hos World Professional Association for Transgender Health – WPATH.
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Tidligere versioner udgivet i 1980, 1981, 1990, 1998, 2001 og 2011.